Our global biopharma client was interested in exploring Metaverse use cases that:
● are innovative with unique positioning
● have a potentially robust business case or business model
● have a feasible and practical path to implementation
● are relevant to the company’s therapeutic areas and product pipelines
To develop such uses cases we prepared and delivered an Inspiration Presentation, and subsequently facilitated a Co-creation Workshop with the client’s staff, all in a one day format.

First the background research
In preparation for the inspiration session, Healthskouts curated examples and insights from our existing knowledge base and scouted for additional examples. We provided healthcare-specific, pharma-specific and cross-industry examples, insights and ideas for applications of Metaverse and immersive technologies in healthcare. We also explored applications relevant to the client’s therapeutic areas and product pipelines, and in areas such as clinical systems (EHR & decision support), remote clinical coaching & instruction, clinical trials, drug discovery & development, professional education, remote patient monitoring, telehealth, virtual care programs, digital therapeutics and public health (education, screening, vaccination, etc). All this material was presented in a 60-minute inspirational keynote presentation followed by 15-minute Q&A session.
Then the creative work
Following the inspiration sessions, Healthskouts facilitated a co-creation workshop with participating staff.
The workshop is based on our own developed ‘Delight Thinking’ methodology, where we guide participants through a highly creative but disciplined/structured process. This ensures that all participants can contribute ideas and expertise in a fair and efficient way, leading to actionable ideas, ideas that are ambitious and aspirational, but also grounded in the working reality of participating experts.