Creating the Future of Oncology with Digital Delight
With Koen Kas. Health Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Delight Thinker & CEO Healthskouts
Available as Keynote, Webinar and Workshop
Keynote Presentation
Cancer and delight – strange bedfellows. And yet, digital and bio breakthroughs in oncology and beyond promise vast improvements in precision diagnostics and therapies, personalised prevention and screening, self-management and at-home care, clinical trials and even cancer drug discovery. Koen will inspire your audience with an avalanche of innovations and illustrate how life sciences companies and providers can stitch such innovations together to provide the cancer patient with the best possible, delightful care, physically, mentally & beyond.
The keynote can be tailored to a specific cancer type or therapeutic domain. Also available as Webinar or Online Briefing

Delight Workshops & Sprints
Koen Kas, Frank Boermeester and the Healthskouts team have developed a unique Delight Thinking methodology and workshop design that can take your team all the way from ‘white page’ ideation to the development of tactical roadmaps and prototypes for bringing extreme Delight to your patients, customers and stakeholders. From a 1/2 day workshop to multiple day Sprints, we can tailor the format to the needs of your team. Furthermore, we can kick off the workshop with an inspiring presentation to feed preliminary ideas and insights into the creative session.

What our clients say
Oncology topics we can address in a keynote or workshop
- Precision Medicine tests and approaches for making optimal treatment choices
- Digital technologies to enable integrated & value-based care, and bring ‘delight’ in the patient journey
- AI-powered prognosis & clinical management
- Developing digital drug companions that work
- Oncology care in the Metaverse
- Levering emerging Digital Therapeutics and virtual clinics in your beyond the pill strategy
- How to build a presence in your patient’s life through partnerships with non-healthcare companies
- How to work with the Hospital of the future
- Digital Twin opportunities in oncology
- Tapping into novel data sources (e.g. social determinants of health, new breeds of Real World Data, new types of omics-data)
- Using AI and quantum computing to accelerate drug discovery
- How / with whom to organize decentralised clinical trials
- New approaches for clinical trial enrollment & matching technologies
- New tools to measure clinical outcomes
- Power of virtual trials using synthetic data & introduction to Digital Twin applications
- Digital tools to automate R&D operations & digitise biology research
- Emerging biomarkers for diagnostics and enabling precision medicine
- Using AI & computer vision in oncology diagnostics
- Novel POC testing technologies, lab tests and lab workflows
- Improving diagnostic workflows through clinical guidelines & Diagnostic Decision Support
- Diagnostic devices & apps for consumers & primary care
- AI powered risk profiling in EHR & claims data
- Public health communication & screening campaigns
- Bringing ‘delight’ in the patient’s diagnostic journey
A Recent Oncology Keynote by Koen Kas
Why Delight is the Key to the Future of Health – and your Future
The twin digital and biological revolutions are leading us to a future where the ultimate friction in the patient journey – sickness itself – will be prevented or eradicated. Technological and scientific breakthroughs will not be enough, however, to unlock this future. In our view, the essential – and today often overlooked – ingredient is patient and citizen delight.
Delight is the experience that comes closest to art and magic. It is a healthcare experience that at times is comforting and relieving, other times inspiring and energising. It is often positively surprising, and always feels remarkable for its timely relevance. And even when fully digital, it is always expressive of human ingenuity, passion and empathy. It is the essential ingredient that keeps us, as patients, committed and engaged to our pursuit of health.
That is why delight is also the key to your future as a healthcare company, the secret sauce that will keep you and your company relevant and competitive. It is why every healthcare company needs a Chief Delight Officer, and why the mission to create patient delight should be written in the DNA of every employee.
At Healthskouts, we are focused exclusively on helping our clients create Delight for their patients and stakeholders. Via our inspiring Delight Keynotes and Delight Workshops, we deliver the ideas, insights and concepts for making patient experiences delightful and optimising health.
We're so passionate about bringing delight in healthcare that we wrote the book on it.
This book is about delight. It introduces the power of delight to create a novel future, not just predict it. It provides a framework and a fireworks of examples of delight thinking in healthcare and beyond. It shows how this allows to create a new reality, a world where one gets sick no more.
Koen Kas’ book “Your Guide to Delight” can be purchased online here. It is also available in bulk to include in event goody bags.

Some of our recent thinking on Digital Delight in Oncology

Innovations in Prostate Cancer
By reviewing recent innovations in prostate cancer I hope to throw some light on what optimal prostate cancer care could and should like. Relevant for professionals, but also patients and their loved ones, so that you can raise your expectations and hopefully play your part in accelerating progress in the field.

6 ways blockchain principles can lead to true precision medicine (Part 1/2)
The road towards precision medicine is an extremely complex and lengthy process. Patients would benefit from the pure personalised character of the drug. Apart from

5 novel white glove (butler) services making chemotherapy easier to bear
I do believe your drug treats my disease. But I need more. Correction, I would be delighted to receive more from you. Without me having

4 delightful ways early oncology screening can be organised in a frictionless way
There is no business model for prevention. Or is there? If we turn prevention into an aspirational long term goal, why should you bother today?

On the future of cancer care, from drug discovery to prevention, and how to make it delightful
Healthskouts’ dream is to create a world where people get sick no more. The biggest friction in healthcare, getting sick, resolved. On our way we’ll
Proud to work with leaders in health and life sciences

We are also involved as advisors and board members in the Digital Twin Consortium, the Digital Therapeutics Alliance, Health House and the Galenus Prize