Healthskouts Team
The Healthskouts team consists of seasoned innovation experts, life sciences entrepreneurs and analysts with deep expertise in digital and biological science and technologies. Healthskouts’ CEO Prof. dr. Koen Kas is a respected and much sought-after opinion leader on the future of health, often invited to an international stage as a keynote speaker and serving a number of health and tech organizations.
Our Senior Team

Koen Kas
Founder & CEO
Prof. Dr. Koen Kas has over 25 years of experience in the health and biomedical sciences (elucidating disease, developing drugs & biomarkers, creating digital health plays beyond the pill). He is driven by the aim to make healthcare delightful, personalized and ultimately preventive. Koen published his vision in two books: Nooit meer ziek, "Sick no more"), and "Your guide to Delight", describing how we will evolve to such future.

Frank Boermeester
Insights Lead
Frank Boermeester, MA Psych., MBA, is a multidisciplinary analyst and innovation expert on a mission to bring delight in healthcare. Frank combines advanced skills in research, human centred design and innovation processes. Frank drives our advisory work for customers, with a focus on developing analytical content and creative concepts, and the design and facilitation of Delight Workshops.

Mieke Donders
Prevention Strategy Enabler
Mieke Donders is a seasoned expert in health and prevention strategies for companies and public organisations. She helps her clients create prevention and health strategies that boosts their ability to win the war for talent. A prevention strategy as the ultimate investment in human capital. Helping people develop and achieve their physical and mental health goals, creating loyalty for good, also beyond their tenure at your company.

Luc Krols
Co-founder & CDO
Luc Krols, Ph.D., MBA, is a seasoned manager and entrepreneur with >25yrs of experience in lifescience R&D, of which 20yrs in leading positions in successful pharma and biotech companies. Perseverance is one of Luc's signature strengths. Building bridges is his mission, substantiated by his very own blend of expertise in business, biology and data ranging from bio-informatics over data-mining to machine & deep learning.