Pharmacy of the future for McKesson

Today, a pharmacist sells already many more products than only medicines, but it’s clear that the role of a pharmacist will evolve further in the future. Selling Apps and learn people how to work with these will become part of their offering. For US-based McKesson, the largest pharma supply chain company, we are helping to […]
Rethinking a preventive health provide

Starting from a white page. For a leading preventive health provider, its customers being big corporates, we have shown how a boring prevention check-up can be turned into an aspirational experience, applying delight thinking via both technology and design ideas
Deep-dive into wearables

For a major pharma we scouted for novel start-ups developing wearable tech that could be used to monitor a number of specific features in patients participating in a clinical trial for a given disease. This data is absent in classical competitive analysis databases (Thomson Reuters, Adis Insight etc). For another we scouted examples to show […]
Health insurance companies

For two leading health insurance companies, we screened for learnings from abroad including failure and success with the experimentation of digital health tools & gadgets and implementation of novel business models.
An aspirational mission for AB Inbev

For leading global brewery AB InBev, we were tasked to turn their blue collar prevention services into an aspirational operation.
The Coca-Cola Company innovation pipeline in health & nutrition

We had the honor to help the Coca-Cola Company build a purpose-driveninnovation pipeline in health & nutrition
A deep dive for Danone / Nutricia

A deep dive for Danone / Nutricia, one of the leading global food companies, we investigated the entire space of emerging food and nutrition start-ups which could play a role in the management of an emerging disease condition. This helped the company to position itself in this space.
Co-creation with the patient

A global pharma company asked us to ‘delight’ one of its medications, bottom-up, in co-creation with the patient. For such projects we start with a patient-round table, to map their frictions, and to paint them a number of unknowns to evaluate relevance to turn them into solutions.
Merck Shark tank event

A top ten pharma company turned our workshop into an internal shark-tank event to drive global adoption of data-focused thinking.
Two novel healthcare products

For a Japanese chemistry company we ideated two novel healthcare products as their first entry into the healthcare space. For one of the products, tailored to dehydration prevention, we scouted for the needed building blocks to take this from the drawing board into R&D.
Hack Epilepsy

Global Biopharma UCB mandated us to organise ‘Hack Epilepsy’ – where we translated needs from epilepsy patients & caregivers into 18 solutions, 4 of which turned into start-ups or internal solutions to UCB. Our innovative initiative subsequently won an award at the Eye For Pharma Barcelona Awards 2016. As a follow-up, Healthskouts became UCB’s external […]
Infuse delight

We helped Janssen pharma rethink the entire Infuse Experience and turn it into a delightful journey for patients, their relatives and health professionals (haematologists, primary physicians and nurses). With our uniquely designed inspiration material and Delight thinking toolset – co-developed with our partner Pieter Sprangers at Domo de Refontiro – we unlocked unknown frictions, all amenable for […]
Patient Delight

Janssen, a Johnson & Johnson company, has launched a Patient Delight movement manifesto based on Koen Kas’ keynotes and book ‘Your guide to delight’. It accompanies their move from selling medication, to selling real patient services and experiences ….not just beyond the pill.