On AI, Virtual Care, Digital Twins, and the Metaverse in Healthcare and Pharma

The future of healthcare in 90 minutes Thank you to the fantastic team at Andersen Lab for providing me over 1.5 hours to discuss how AI, Virtual Care by digital health tools, Digital Twins, and the Metaverse will all blend and transform the definitions of both Healthcare and Pharma. It’s definitely the best of times to be alive and trying […]
How hospitals can prepare for tomorrow, today

Many hospitals today are building new sites or making substantial renovations. What strikes us is how their designs are often based almost entirely on a thorough analysis of their current medical services and workflows. But if a hospital building easily stands for 50+ years we clearly should also be looking ahead at how healthcare and […]
What my sleep genes & Alzheimer risk teaches me about the state of genomics

Today is DNA day. Actually everyday should be DNA day. Slower than anticipated – and for good reason – the actual genome revolution, part of the biology revolution is about to start only now. I recall a TEDx talk I gave on the topic. 10 years ago. You’ll find the link here. It’s still contemporary. […]
It’s time to level up digital health apps

In my work I often try out health apps that are designed to ‘engage’, support or even treat patients in specific therapeutic domains. Now while I’m totally committed to the digital transformation of healthcare and believe it does and will benefit patients, I have to be honest that most apps I try out just don’t […]
Welcoming pharma & life-sciences to the metaverse Mall

This week everybody has seen that post on The Mall. MetaVRse has been working on TheMall for seven years. Launch expected in the fourth quarter of 2022. It will be accessible on the web with no need for a download or an app or a special hardware platform. Alan Smithson , the company’s CEO, hopes to […]
Citizen-centric data platform will put Flanders on the map as digital health frontrunner

To me, the health event of 2022 will be the launch of a citizen-centric data platform “We Are”.Soon, we will see the official launch of “We Are” in Flanders, Belgium, which is a citizen-centric data platform that will give citizens the ownership and control over which personal (health) data he or she wants to share […]
Accelerating diagnosis through extreme patient delight

We’re often asked by pharma customers to explore how we could accelerate diagnosis and guide patients to the right treatment faster, especially in therapeutic domains where diagnosis is frequently delayed with associated patient burden. It also makes a lot of sense in domains where early diagnosis can lead to better outcomes (think oncology, but also […]
How to leapfrog healthcare to 2071

How far can we look ahead and create a (healthcare) vision in a European country? In a democracy where governments last 4 to 6 years. Making and executing upon a long term vision kind of impossible. Also, when a government spends Eur 70 million to build a new small hospital campus, it often feels like ‘money […]
Opening up the can of foodtechs

+10 food concepts for non-traditional healthcare companies The one sport I’ve practiced most throughout my life is running. And the last couple of years this sport is getting out of hand in a positive way. More training, longer distances and more demanding tracks are on the menu. Apart from my running shoe addiction this intensified […]
The tipping point for digital twins in healthcare

The tipping point for digital twins in healthcare Last month I presented for a wide audience of healthcare experts on the state of Digital therapeutics and explained how these different solutions (aka data silos) could be leveraged together in my personal digital twin. Afterwards, the innovation architect of one of the leading Belgian payers (sickness […]
On REAL real world data and the digital tools required to capture them

Real World Data & Digital Biomarkers In the summer of 2012 I experienced my first workation. In Piemonte, the north of Italy, in a city called Alba. World famous for its Barolo wines, the Nutella factory, and for pigs harvesting white truffles. Well, for the experience of savouring the freshest white truffles, still an experience […]
6 ways blockchain principles can lead to true precision medicine (Part 2/2)

Blockchain for precision medicine The road towards precision medicine, developing medication as targeted as possible, is an extremely complex and lengthy process. We took a look at how blockchain related technologies could positively impact and help speed up this process. We’ve identified 6 key areas where blockchain could substantially improve it: Build trust Access data […]
Innovations in Prostate Cancer

By reviewing recent innovations in prostate cancer I hope to throw some light on what optimal prostate cancer care could and should like. Relevant for professionals, but also patients and their loved ones, so that you can raise your expectations and hopefully play your part in accelerating progress in the field.
Accelerating drug discovery from bed to benchside

Silicon Valley giant NVIDIA is teaming up with pharma company AstraZeneca and the University of Florida on new artificial intelligence research projects aimed at boosting drug discovery and patient care. April 21, NVIDIA and AstraZeneca revealed a new drug-discovery model called MegaMoIBART, which is aimed at “reaction prediction, molecular optimization and de novo molecular generation.” […]
6 ways blockchain principles can lead to true precision medicine (Part 1/2)

The road towards precision medicine is an extremely complex and lengthy process. Patients would benefit from the pure personalised character of the drug. Apart from that obvious aspect, drugs could also be brought on the market sooner, and also much cheaper. We took a look at how blockchain related technologies could help speed up this […]